Blog Prompt #12: Most interesting thing I've learned from my final project

When I was trying to decide on a final project topic idea, I tried to think of something that was well researched; yet interesting. I landed on the topic of sexism in law firms, particularly pay gaps between men and women. First of all, you don't see many female lawyers in the law profession, but I was hoping I would be proven wrong. Well I wasn't, to say the least. Second, female lawyers don't receive the same earnings as their male colleagues. One of the most interesting things I have learned is the amount of sexual harassments that occur within a law firm. So many female lawyers are harassed in several sexual ways, with promises to be promoted or rewarded in one way or another. Another interesting thing that I learned was that women who are in the same position as their male colleague received 15 percent less in pay. All in all, the law profession is a tough profession for women to be in when it comes to earnings and the compensation they receive.


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