Blog Prompt #11: Nobody to Somebody

I admire Marc Lamont Hill's optimism because I am not too sure how much optimism I have about the racism issue between blacks and law enforcement. I think that too many people have become too used how things are that they don't even think about the idea of change. Some people may even think it's normal that there is violence between black people and law enforcement. Wrong! Everyone's life matters and just because someone comes from a different culture or background doesn't mean that they should be targeted. White people are nowhere near being perfect and there are just as many dangerous or bad white people as black people in today's world, maybe even more.

I think our biggest issue is that not enough people speak up to try and make a different because of the fear that they won't fit in or be ousted because they spoke out. Not one of those innocent citizens that Hill talks about deserved to die. A lot of it is petty crime and law enforcement looking to meet their quota in one way or another. Like I mentioned in class, I don't believe that the reason why people are targeted for petty crimes is because of zero tolerance, I think it's because police officers have to reach a certain quota by the end of each month and they decide to target the people who will look way more guilty than the officer themselves for charging someone, or even killing someone, for a petty crime.


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